become a friend

friends of artecetera support our ambitious plans for…

the realization of exhibitions, workshops, lectures, and extensive research into artforms that span contemporary visual art and conceptual applied arts

an inclusive, public approach to contextualization of work on the border between contemporary visual art and conceptual applied arts

a platform for the active guidance and support of artists in the development of their practices and careers


per person
or 90€ for 2 people

sympathizing friend

contribute to the realisation of our programme.


per person
or 190€ for 2 people

supporting friend

with this support, artecetera is working to digitise a valuable archive.


per person
or 290€ for 2 people

honorary friend

with this gift artecetera can take up its role as a coach.


per person


we provide an unforgettable day or evening for up to 8 people at a location of your choice or in an artist's studio, with a contextual art talk and of course wine and creative appetizers.

payconiq qr
you become a friend for one year by transferring your contribution to artecetera vzw (BE47 0019 0979 2580), via payconiq (QR), or via paypal.

don’t forget to say hello via email so that we can welcome you and keep you informed.

©2024 artecetera vzw

design xander maclaren